Bhutan, nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, is a country renowned for its unique approach to development, prioritizing Gross National Happiness over Gross Domestic Product. The Bhutanese society is...
Bhutan, nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, is a country renowned for its unique approach to development, prioritizing Gross National Happiness over Gross Domestic Product. The Bhutanese society is...
The Brummies (the people of Birmingham) are some of the nicest people you’re likely to meet in the UK. With great humor, a tendency to keep doors open to others, and, believe it or not:...
Bishkek is a garden city. Well planned and with enough annual rainfall to keep things green, no matter where you go, you are never far from a park or square filled with trees or flower exhibits. The...
Bismarck is a shining light for art, culture, history and the great outdoors. Bicycle paths are plentiful on both sides of the river. And it’s just a stone’s throw between eclectic...
The city center is located near the river and has a large triumphal arch dedicated to Bokassa, the Presidential Palace and the Central Market. Located 5 kilometers further north, the heart of the...